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发表于 2010-1-15 08:48 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 rick 于 2010-1-15 08:50 编辑



Did you have a chance to see them?” Bonnie Tu asks as she sweeps into the room and gestures towards a display of seven bikes of various shapes and sizes. “All designed by women for women: that’s what is going to change the way the world thinks about bicycles.”
By and large, the world thinks of bikes as an exercise in machismo on wheels, from muddy mountain bikers to lycra-clad road cyclists or commuters taking their chances with the lorries and taxis that seem to claim ownership of the roads. Ms Tu has other ideas.
She settles down, and prepares to explain how increasing numbers of women cyclists — particularly in Asia — are going to change the shape of urban commuting and restore the bicycle to its natural role as the mass transport of city dwellers everywhere.
Then she remembers to introduce herself: first by her technical title of chief financial officer of Giant Manufacturing, the world’s biggest bicycle maker; and then by her clearly preferred alias, “the godmother of bicycles”.
For too long, she says, women have been an afterthought in the maledominated worlds of both bicycle design and use. It is, in her view, a vicious circle: women are not attracted to bicycles in their traditional, male-designed form, so they buy fewer of them and bicycle makers respond by channelling fewer resources into the supposedly sluggish end of the market.

“To get more women on the road, we have to get them to think of these things as accessories,” she says. “Natural, everyday accessories, like handbags. All major brands claim they design specifically for women, but it’s not true. It means something when I say I’m the godmother — nobody should doubt that our women’s bikes are designed for women by women. I tell my girls: ‘Only design things that you yourself would definitely want to buy. If you make something and look at it and don’t feel any urgency about buying it, don’t release it.’ ”

Ms Tu describes an array of fundamental changes that Giant is making to the shape of the frame, the seat and the relative positioning of the handlebars in an attempt to make bikes more female-friendly. Much of her designers’ attention has been plunged into making bikes with Asian — rather than Caucasian — body shapes in mind.

“The ones for shopping have also got a very stylish detachable basket. The car industry has slowly realised that women drivers are interested in more than horsepower, and the bike world has to accept the same thing.”

The “girls” do not leave anything to chance: every Friday, they bring a new design to their boss and demand that she test-ride it over the weekend. Ms Tu herself has twice ridden the punishing 1,000km circuit of Taiwan island. She turns to her assistant, reminding her that she has done the run only once. “It’s not a company rule to do it,” Ms Tu hastens to add, “just company culture.” That culture includes annual global management meetings at the top of steep mountains and an insistence that participants arrive on the company’s latest products.

Asked whether cyclists should, along with other users of the road, be required to hold licences, she changes the subject quickly, cracking a joke about Sturmey-Archer — the venerable Nottingham gear-maker bought by a Taiwanese firm nine years ago.
Ms Tu’s push to create a worldwide green army of women cyclists does not stop with bicycle design. Fast-swelling megacities in China and elsewhere, she says, are creating a generation of girls who do not know how to ride a bike: lessons should be compulsory in schools, she argues, as they have become, effectively, in Taiwan itself.
Nor is she in any hurry to make any moves at the expense of her core business — high-performance bicycles used by road-racers, off-roaders and everyone in between. “We are the biggest, but that has never been the ambition: we want to be known as the only one making certain innovations,” Ms Tu says.

“We were mass-producing carbonfibre bikes 13 years before they first appeared in the Tour de France [in 2000]. Inevitably, carbon fibre will become standard. The bicycle is actually ahead of the car industry in material science.”
She breaks off into a discussion of other technical changes in store for the bicycle, describing “a lot of very interesting things lying around in our R&D department”. The derailleur gear system, she says, may not be standard in the future.
Much of the impetus behind Taiwan’s love affair with the bicycle arises from the high-profile passion of Giant’s chairman, King Liu, 75. His publicity antics, which include cycling from Beijing to Shanghai, are as much about promoting the concept of the bicycle as the Giant brand.

Cycling, ultimately, is what matters most — more than a third of Giant’s annual revenue of 41 billion new Taiwan dollars (£774 million) last year came from building bikes for well-known American brand names, such as Trek and Scott.

But Ms Tu wields a clear strategic force on the board. She was at the table for the famous lunch in 1972 when Mr Liu declared to a group of friends and family — seemingly out of nowhere — that there was money to be made in bicycles. Ms Tu was a founder investor and, in 1994, responsible for bringing the company to market.
“We went into bicycles to make money,” she says. “Over the years, particularly as the world has woken up to environmental issues, we have seen that the bicycle is about so much more.”

In many ways, perhaps, there has never been a better time to be a manufacturer of bicycles. Beyond the windows of Ms Tu’s boardroom, for example, the colossal sails of wind turbines turn silently on the hills outside Taichung, part of a Taiwanese tilt at clean energy. They, in turn, could be a symbol of the kind of big, viable green initiatives that governments worldwide are striving for. Yet, with the Copenhagen summit on climate change only hours away, this may be the time of the humble, easy to use, easy to store, ever-so-eco-friendly bike.

As Ms Tu sees the world, bicycle markets progress in distinct evolutionary phases and different countries are at different stages. Government and corporate subsidies for bikes, and a more general sense of environmental concern, may now accelerate many of these.
In the first phase, when countries are developing, the bicycle is the stalwart workhorse of the masses. Later, when nations grow richer and cars supposedly confer more status, bikes become sporting goods. In the new, evolutionary phase — of the sort now emerging in places such as Britain and the Netherlands — the bike re-emerges as a commuter vehicle.
“At this point we are seeing a true evolution in Europe — the whole process is a step ahead there.
“In Asia, we are still at phase two. In China, the bicycle has to regain its status. It is so important. We have to break the view that status only comes from cars.
“What I want to do is to get the elite to start riding on high-end bicycles. Over the years, the idea will trickle back down to ordinary people that the bicycle is the best form of transport.”
And yet, despite these enticing prospects for the bicycle, and a seemingly foolproof business model for Giant, which is the leader in most markets, investors remain sceptical.
Since 1963, recessions in the United States have always been followed by an average 17 per cent jump in bicycle sales in the following year. Analysts, meanwhile, anticipate a far more modest gain of somewhere between 2 per cent and 5 per cent in 2010.
Two things, she says, may cause those forecasts to look conservative, especially in the longer term. The first is the emergence of the “e-bike” — a lithium battery-assisted bicycle that is steadily winning converts in countries such as Japan with burgeoning elderly populations.
Nothing, though comes near to the e-bike market in China, which has 100 million already on the roads and accounts for more than 90 per cent of worldwide sales.
Despite the popularity of the e-bike, Ms Tu is clear that there is plenty of work to be done. “The e-bike we have now is like the Prius — a good reputation, but with primitive technology and definitely not the final version we will see.”
The other area to watch, she says, is BMX bikes. After BMX racing was introduced to the Olympic list in Beijing last year, several Asian countries have quietly determined to win gold at the London Games in 2012. “The Chinese, the Koreans, the Taiwanese — they just want to beat the Caucasians at their own game,” she says.
Bonnie (Hsiu-Chen) Tu
Education Bachelor of Art degree from Tam Kang University, Taiwan, in 1972
Career Founder investor of Giant Manufacturing in 1972, with King Liu. Rejoined Giant (after 12 years in South-East Asia) in 1991 as special assistant to the chief executive. 1993, Transferred to head the financial division of Giant, and administered the IPO of Giant Manufacturing on the Taipei exchange in 1994. In 1999 became executive vice-president and chief financial officer of Giant Global Group
Person I most admire Margaret Thatcher
Family Married with two children
Giant Founded 1972 in Tachia, Taichung, originally making bicycles to be sold under other brand names. Today it has sales in more than 50 countries, in over 10,000 retail stores. In 2007, its global sales surpassed five million bicycles and $820 million in global revenues

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    发表于 2010-1-16 18:38 | 只看该作者
    你有机会看到他们?“邦妮涂问她走进房间,对7个不同形状和大小的自行车显示姿态席卷。 “所有的设计由妇女:这是怎么回事,以改变世界对自行车的看法。”
    她平静下来,并准备解释如何增加,特别是亚洲妇女骑自行车人数 - - 要改变城市交通和恢复自行车到其作为城市居民的集体运输工具各地自然作用形成。

    “为了获得更多的妇女在路上,我们必须让他们觉得这些事情的配件,”她说。 “自然,像每天手袋配件。所有主要品牌宣称,他们专门为妇女设计的,但事实并非如此。这意味着什么,当我说我是教母 - 任何人都不应怀疑我们的妇女的自行车是为妇女设计的妇女。我告诉我的女孩:'只有设计你自己的事情一定要购买。如果你把东西,看它并没有感到有任何迫切需要买它,不要释放它。“

    涂女士描述了这一巨正试图使更多的女性自行车,友好的框架,座椅和把手的相对定位阵列形成根本性的变化。她的设计师们注意很多人已陷入正与亚洲自行车 - 而不是高加索 - 考虑到身体的形状。


    “女孩”,不会留下任何机会:每个星期五,他们带来新的设计,他们的老板,并要求她试骑在周末。涂女士自己也充满了两次台湾岛内惩治1,000公里的赛道。她打开她的助手,提醒她,她已经做了只运行一次。 “这不是一家公司的规则做,”她涂赶紧补充,“只是企业文化。”这种文化包括每年在陡峭的山顶的全球管理会议,并坚持参加该公司的最新产品到达。

    当被问及是否骑单车人士必须连同其他道路使用者,必须持有许可证,但她很快改变,破获了大约Sturmey笑话,弓箭手 - 古老的诺丁汉齿轮,由台湾公司收购了9年前的制造商。
    她也不是在任何急于之间,在她的核心业务费用的任何行动 - 高性能的自行车道路使用的赛车,越野车和每一个人。 “我们是最大的,但从来没有野心:我们想成为唯一作出某些创新之一”之称的涂女士说。


    骑自行车,最终,是最重要的 - 超过了巨人的41亿元新台币(七万七千四点零零万英镑)去年全年收入的三分之一来自建设和自行车美国著名品牌,如迷航和斯科特。

    但是她涂在黑板上一拿出一个明确的战略力量。她在为著名的午餐桌,1972年后,刘宣布的朋友和家人集团 - 似乎不可思议 - ,有资金将在自行车的。涂女士是一个投资者和创始人,在1994年,使公司的市场负责。
    “我们把自行车去赚钱,”她说。 “多年来,特别是因为世界已经意识到了环境问题,我们已经看到,自行车是这样多的了。”


    在第一阶段,当国家在发展,自行车,是人民群众的坚定主力。后来,当国家越来越富有,汽车被认为赋予更多的地位,自行车成为体育用品。在新的进化阶段 - 对目前出现的排序,如英国和荷兰的地方 - 自行车再度出现的通勤车。
    “是领先一步有在这一点上,我们看到在欧洲真正的进化 - 整个过程。
    两件事,她说,可能会导致那些保守的预测看,特别是在长远。第一个是“电动自行车” - 一个锂电池,自行车,正在不断地赢得如日本转换为国家不断增长的老年人口的出现。
    尽管电动自行车的普及,她涂显然有很多工作要做。 “电子自行车我们现在拥有像普锐斯 - 良好的声誉,但原始的技术,肯定不是最终版本,我们会看到。”
    其他地区看,她说,是小轮车。小轮车比赛后,被介绍给北京奥运会名单上的最后一年,一些亚洲国家已经悄然志在必得在2012年伦敦奥运会金牌。 “在中国,韩国,台湾 - 他们只是想打败自己的游戏的白种人,”她说。
    职业方正投资者的捷安特在1972年,刘金标。重新加入巨人(12年后,在东南亚)于1991年,特别助理行政长官。 1993年,调任的巨人财务部,以及管理上的交流在1994年的台北捷安特上市。在1999年成为执行副总裁兼全球的巨人集团的财务人员
    巨人公司成立于大甲,台中,1972年使原本以其他品牌的销售自行车。今天,它已在50多个国家的销售,在超过10,000家零售店。 2007年,其全球销售额超过了全球总收入的5万辆8.2亿美元
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    rick 发表于 2010-1-17 09:15

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