2012赛季即将开始,虽然没资格参加比赛,但是想参与一下还是有办法的。 ROAD.CC日前发布了今年的职业经理人游戏(去年有数万人在这个网站上比赛,竞争很激烈的)。 今年第一项比赛是1月17日举行的环澳赛。 这个游戏是免费的,我试着将比赛规则翻了一下,虽然有些地方也许翻的不好,不过我想大致的意思不会有大的偏差,如果有兴趣的车友可以试着玩玩。 以下是网站链接 http://fantasy.road.cc/login 以下是规则: How to play road.cc Fantasy Cycling 如何玩road.cc自行车经理人游戏 What am I doing? 我在干神马? Basically, you're picking a team of nine riders to compete in various races over the year. You score points based on how well they do over the season. You can change your team along the way to pick the best riders for the different races. 总的来说,你正在建立一支9人队伍以完成一年中的各项比赛,而你的车队分数来源于你之前选择的车手在这个赛季的表现。你可以根据不同的比赛来选择你认为最佳的车手。 How do I get started? 如何开始? First, you need to register on road.cc, if you haven't already. Then you'll need to come back to the game and set up your team. If you're logged in to the main site, the game should set your account up automatically. 第一步,你需要在road.cc注册(如果你之前没有的话),接下来可以进入到游戏并着手建立一支属于你的虚拟队伍。加入你登陆主页,系统为你自动建立你的账号。 How does my team work? 如何建立我的车队? Your team consists of nine riders. It's split into two sections: star riders and domestiques. 你的队伍由9名车手组成。分成两个部分:明星车手与帮手。 The star riders are the stars of the professional teams. They fall into four categories: 明星车手是指职业车队的明星(废话!)。他们分为以下四类: • GC (general classification) riders are the ones best equipped to do well overall in the longer, multi-stage races. They tend to be good at everything, with an emphasis on climbing and time trialling, which are the disciplines that allow you to gain most time over your rivals in a big tour. • GC车手(总成绩型)在多日赛中总成绩榜上靠前的车手。他们在各方面都做得很好,特别是在爬坡和计时赛上的能力使得他们能在多日赛上从竞争者身上获得明显的时间优势。 • Sprinters (PC, or Points Classification) are the men to back on flat stages where there's likely to be a bunch sprint. • 冲刺车手(PC,积分型)在平地赛段上喜欢集团冲刺的选手。 • Climbers (KM, or King of the Mountains) will come to the fore on the hilly stages. • 爬坡车手(KM,山地之王)在山地赛段突前的车手。 • All rounders (AR) are good at everything. They're capable of winning individual tour stages, and one-day races. • 全能车手(AR)啥都能行,有能力在多日或单日赛上获得赛段冠军。 You pick four star riders. You can have any combination of the four types for any stage. 你的队伍中可以选择4名明星车手。这4名车手可以是以上4类车手的任何一种组合。 The domestiques are the workhorses of the peloton. Their role is to support the star riders from their team. They also tend to make up the breakaway groups that are a feature of all professional bike racing. You pick five domestiques. 帮手是指大部队中的老黄牛,他们的角色是支持队中的明星车手,或是做为突围选手(这点是职业比赛的共性)。你要选择5名帮手。 Different riders cost different amounts. You have 150 credits to spend in total. You can only pick two riders from one team. 不同的车手有着不同的价格,初始你有150个金币。最多只能从同一个职业车队中选择两名车手。 How do I pick my riders? 我该如何选择车手 Go to the Pick team page. It'll look a bit like this: 进入到组建车队页面,如下图: 1. The stage you're picking a team for is shown at the top, along with the distance and type of terrain, which is handy for picking the right sorts of rider. 最上面的部分是你组建的车队所要参加的比赛,包括比赛距离、地形等信息。这可以帮助你决定该选择什么类型的车手。 2. The deadline ticker shows you how long you have left to complete any changes before the start of the stage. 截止时间显示条告知你在比赛开始前还剩多长时间必须完成换人等其他任何操作。 3. These three boxes show you: 这三个选项是: o How much you have left to spend on riders o 你还剩多少金币来选择车手。 o How many free transfers you have left on this stage (more on this below) o 你还剩多少免费更换车手的名额。 o How many penalty points your transfers will cost (more on this below) o 换人要接受多少惩罚(每个赛段如果你最终的换人数超过了免费名额,那么每超过一个你都要接受惩罚,从你的队伍得到的总分数中扣,每多1人要扣20分) 4. This is where you build your team of nine riders, by selecting riders from the right hand window. 这里是你最终选择的9名车手,这些车手都来自右面的列表中。 5. The rider list shows you which riders are available, click Add to add them to your team. 车手列表显示哪些车手可以供你选择,点击添加按钮选择他们到你的队伍中。 6. You can use the rider options menus to narrow your choices, or search for a particular rider. 你可以用特殊条件选择来缩小你所想要的车手。或是搜索特定的车手。 7. When you have a valid team, the confirm button will turn green. Click it to commit your changes. 当你完成了所有的选择后,确认按钮会变成绿色,点击它确认你之前的选择。 Okay, so I have a team sorted. what happens next? 好了,我已经建立了一个车队,接下来会发生什么? When the stage is complete, the riders will get scored according to how well they performed. 当一个赛段结束后,车手们能从他在比赛中的实际表现获得分数。 The scoring criteria change from race to race, and from stage to stage. To find out how a particular stage will be scored, click on Stages in the top menu and click on a stage to see its information. You can also click on the scoring info link in the stage information at the top of your home page and transfer page to see it. 得分规则每个比赛都会有所改变,甚至每个赛段也会有区别,要想知道某个赛段具体的记分规则可以点击顶上菜单中的赛段这个选项。你也可以点击HOME页和换人页上的记分信息链接来观看。 What kind of things get scored? 比赛中哪些情况可以得分 Like we said, it varies from stage to stage. But these are the things that you can win points for: 就像刚才说的,每一个赛段得分规则都有所不同,但无外乎以下这些情况: • A top 20 finish in a stage (or top 10 in a team time trial) • 每个赛段的前20名(或是车队计时赛的前10名)。 • Wearing a jersey in one of the grand tours • 在三大赛中穿上领骑衫的车手。 • Being in a breakaway • 比赛中的突围车手。 • Scoring mountains or sprint points in a stage • 在比赛中获得爬坡或冲刺积分的车手。 • Being in the same team as the stage winner (or the same nationality if it's national squads) • 来自赛段冠军同一个车队的车手(要是国家队的比赛就是来自同一个国家的车手) • Getting a combativity award • 获得敢斗奖的车手。 • Rolling in dead last on a stage. Everyone loves a tryer. • 完赛的车手。 I'd like to make some changes to my team before the next stage... 我喜欢在下一站比赛开始前对我的车队做一些改变。 No problem. Just head back to the Pick Team page and make your changes. 没问题,只要回到建立车队页面并作出你的选择。 What are free transfers? 什么是免费换人 For each stage of a multi-stage competition you can make a limited number of transfers. The number of transfers available is shown in the stage list, click on Stages to see it. 对于多日赛段每一个赛段你都能得到有限的换人名额。免费的名额数可以通过点击顶部菜单的赛段页进入查看。 Generally it's two transfers per stage, with more on rest days and in the Spring Classics competition. 一般来说每个赛段有两个免费换人名额,而在比赛休息日或是在春节联赛中会有更多的名额。 What if I want to make more transfers? 假如我想要更多的换人名额该怎么办? It'll cost you: 20 points per transfer over your limit. This penalty will be applied to your stage score. 每多余免费名额一人会受到20个金币/人的惩罚,从你车队的积分中扣除。 What if I don't want to use my transfers? Can I save them up? 假如我不想使用完免费换人名额,我能将它储存起来用于后面的比赛吗? If you don't use all your transfers you can roll over a maximum of two to the next stage. So if use one of two transfers, and the next stage has two free transfers, you'll get three. But if you don't use that extra transfer on the next day, you'll lose it. 假如你在下一个赛段开始前没有使用完本赛段的免费换人名额。最多可以储存两个名额到下一个赛段。举例来说,你这个赛段用了一个换人名额,下一个赛段固有两个名额,那么你最终会得到三个换人名额。但假如你在这个赛段中还是没有将那个额外的名额使用完毕,那么这个名额在下下个赛段就作废了。 I messed up my transfers, can I reset them? 要是我选错了人,能重选吗? Not after you've pressed the big green Commit button, no. Press with care... 在你按绿色的确定按钮前,你做任何操作都是允许的,一旦按了确认按钮,就不可以改变了,因此请慎重考虑好后再按确认。 Some of my riders didn't race in the last stage - will I still score points for the others? 如果在某个赛段中我的车队中有人没参加比赛,其他人能获得分数吗? Yes. So long as you have nine riders selected, you'll score. 可以,只要你的车队中有9名车手,就能得分。 What are the prizes? 奖励是什么? The prizes for each competiton - there are 11 competitions in total - will be announced before the competition starts, and they'll also be documented on the Rules page. Generally there will be prizes for a high finish overall in a competition, and daily prizes for stage winners. 每一项比赛都有奖励,2012年总共有11项比赛。在每项比赛开始前会公布奖品。可以在规则页上看到。一般来说对于每项比赛的总成绩第一名有奖励,每个赛段的冠军也有奖励。 There'll also be an overall trophy for the top Fantasy Cycling player of the year, ie the highest overall score. And one for the highest individual stage score too. 全年会给第一的玩家一个奖杯。比如总成绩第一,或是所有单赛段中得分最高的玩家。 以下是我建的虚拟车队,大家能发现亮点吗? 顺便说一下ROAD.CC为环澳赛冠军的奖品是价值424.99英镑的Reynolds轮组。其实我觉得参与的主要目的是图个乐,要是真把拿奖作为目的的话,我想概率不足万分之一吧!不过也难说,没准你就是那个幸运儿。 以下是我建的虚拟车队,大家能发现亮点吗? 顺便说一下ROAD.CC为环澳赛冠军的奖品是价值424.99英镑的Reynolds轮组。其实我觉得参与的主要目的是图个乐,要是真把拿奖作为目的的话,我想概率不足万分之一吧!不过也难说,没准你就是那个幸运儿。 今年的11项赛事,目录如下,囊括了三大赛、奥运会、世界锦标赛、以及数个WT赛事。时间跨度从1月份一直持续到10月份。 。Tour Down Under 17/1 - 22/1 。Paris-Nice 4/3 - 11/3 。Spring Classics 17/3 - 22/4 Milan-San Remo Gent-Wevelgem Tour of Flanders Paris-Roubaix Amstel Gold Fleche Wallonne Liège-Bastogne-Liège 。Giro d'Italia 5/5 - 27/5 。Criterium du Dauphine 3/6 - 10/6 。Tour de France 30/6 - 22/7 。Olympics 28/7 Olympic road race Olympic time trial 。Clasica San Sebastian 14/8 。Vuelta a Espana 18/8 - 9/9 。Il Lombardia 29/9 。World Championships 15/10 - 23/10 Men's time trial Men's road race 这些比赛在我另一个帖子里大多有介绍。 http://www.hzbike.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=221533 随着时间的临近,车队陆陆续续抵达澳大利亚做战前准备,CN今天发布了一组照片,我在其中挑选了几张和大家分享一下。 不过在此之前再唠嗑几句。作为今年第一个WT赛事,各大车队都很重视,从现在拿到的名单来看大多数车队派出了自己最强的冲刺选手,只有天空、佳明与BMC车队例外 凯文、法拉儿、胡叔没来。竞争一定会非常激烈。 今年的环澳赛总共有7个赛段,其中6个是平地赛段,只有倒数第2个赛段算半个山地赛段,终点设在一个1级坡顶,估计那个赛段的冠军会成为总冠军。正因为如此比赛也吸引了为数不多的几位GC车手,其中的一位是MOVISTAR车队的巴尔韦德,禁赛两年后,这是他复出的首战,禁赛前他一直是环法总冠军的热门人选,可以仔细关注一下他在本次比赛上的表现,看看他到达恢复到什么程度。 上图: 西班牙冠军罗哈斯,去年环法上凯文的最大竞争对手。 巴尔韦德,上面提及过他。 快步车队的未来乔力克。 蓝波车队的常青树佩塔基。 今年刚转投喀秋莎的弗莱雷。 BMC擅长突围的范。阿马尔特。 乐透车队的格雷佩尔。 无线电的贝纳蒂 今年刚转投绿刃的澳大利亚冠军杰拉斯。 拉伯银行善于突围的路易斯。列昂。桑切斯 AG2R的佩莱蒂和蒙塔古蒂 阿斯塔纳 BMC 十一人 今天TOUR DOWN UNDER比完了最后一个赛段。借新年的喜庆拿到了这个赛段的“第1名”,给咱HB露了一回脸。 不过由于之前的第4和第5赛段不理想,目前总成绩只排在第253名,还需努力。下一战比赛要等到3月份巴黎至尼斯。 |
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